Our befriending service

We match volunteer befrienders with young people aged 16-25 who are making the transition from living in supported accommodation to managing their own private tenancy and living independently.

Many of the young people we work with have experienced a range of trauma, including homelessness, family breakdowns, disadvantage, mental health problems, or neglect.

Befrienders and young people meet once a week to take part in activities in the local area (for example, meet in a café for hot chocolate, visit an art gallery, etc.).

The volunteer befriender and young person can meet weekly for up to six months.


The emotional and social support a befriender provides can help a young person feel more comfortable and confident during what can be a difficult transition from supported accommodation to a private tenancy.

By supporting a young person to make connections in their local community, a befriender can also increase the chances of a young person living an independent and fulfilling life in the long-term.

There is also potential to encourage a young person to access education or employment opportunities.

Get involved

We partner with LinkLiving on our befriending service.

If you are a young person and currently receive support from LinkLiving, please contact them for more information on how to be matched with one of our volunteer befrienders.

If you are interested in volunteering as a befriender, please click here.

"Befriending stablised me as I had someone to meet up with."

A young person with a Move On befriender


Our befriending service was awarded the Quality in Befriending Award in 2022. 

The Quality in Befriending Award is the only award in the UK which is specifically tailored for befriending services and is valued by referrers, befrienders, commissioners and funders. 

Developed by Befriending Networks in consultation with member organisations and other experts in the field of befriending, it promotes Good Practice in the Sector.